Stirring Up Trouble
Lawrence Abu Hamdan
Kent Chan
Steffani Jemison & Justin Hicks (Mikrokosmos)
Stirring Up Trouble is a program unfolding throughout the summer, which aims to host, restage, and think alongside four distinct artistic positions that foreground acts of listening and their manifold potentialities. Through their practices, invited artists engage listening as a method of witnessing unseeable formations of violence (Lawrence Abu Hamdan); an invitation to inhabit tropical geographies otherwise (Kent Chan); an everyday practice of place-making and communitarian belonging (Black Obsidian Sound System); and a regenerative archival portal into shared inheritances and histories of struggle (Steffani Jemison and Justin Hicks). By tuning in to organized sounds, accidental leaks, and enforced silences, they conceive modes of aesthetic experience that challenge common perceptions of artmaking, and trace roadmaps to resonant imaginaries.
Curators: Edwin Nasr, Sandra Teitge, Fabian Schöneich
Stirring Up Trouble is generously supported by the foundation Between Bridges.