wer hat angst vor dem ausländeramt
مشترى هلال (moshtari hilal) & சிந்துஜன் வரதராஜா (sinthujan varatharajah)

wer hat angst vor dem ausländeramt [who is afraid of the immigration office], Moshtari Hilal and Sinthujan Varatharajah in conversation, CCA Berlin, 2023. Photos: Peter Oliver Wolff/CCA Berlin
Whether in TikTok videos, memes, on Instagram posts or on Jan Böhmermann's show, the Ausländeramt is currently experiencing an unprecedented pop cultural moment in Germany.
For decades, the state institution, previously called the Ausländerbehörde, has been cruelly limiting the lives of non-German citizens and was largely out of the public eye. What had to happen for it to be catapulted into the German mainstream?
What significance does this state institution have for different people and communities in this country? And who has what to fear from it still?
In this conversation, مشترى هلال (Moshtari Hilal) and சிந்துஜன் வரதராஜா (Sinthujan Varatharajah) will address the Ausländeramt from a cultural-historical perspective.
சிந்துஜன் வரதராஜா (Sinthujan Varatharajah) is an essayist and political geographer living in Berlin. Their first book An Alle Orte, Die Hinter Uns Liegen was published by Hanser Verlag in September 2022.
مشترى هلال (Moshtari Hilal) is an artist, researcher and curator living in Hamburg. Her first book Hässlichkeit will be published by Hanser Verlag in the fall.
In October 2022 their first book, English in Berlin, was published by Wirklichkeit Books.
The conversation will be held in German. Seating and space are limited. We recommend arriving early and wearing a medical mask during the event.