Charlotte Posenenske
Vierkantrohre Serie D

Charlotte Posenenske, Vierkantrohre Serie D [Square Tube Series D], Configuration Team CCA Berlin, Installation views, 2022. Photos: Diana Pfammatter
The Vierkantrohre Serie D (1967) by Charlotte Posenenske (1930-1985) consists of six differently geometric bodies made of sheet metal and are reminiscent of industrial ventilation shafts. This kit can be assembled in a variety of combinations, limited only by the number of elements available. Contrary to classical sculptures, therefore, there is no restriction; the work can be continued and changed to respond to a wide variety of spaces, standing, lying, hanging, indoors or outdoors. It is left to the curators of the exhibition or invited guests to build the installation according to their own criteria and to change it over time. Traces of previous use, be they in the form of small scratches or fingerprints, are part of the work itself. The elements were factory-made as authorized reconstructions from 1967 until the death of Posenenske’s widower Dr. Burkhard Brunn in April 2021. In this way, the artist attempted to challenge the artwork's claim to originality and undermine the market price it generated.
Charlotte Posenenske is one of the most important German artists of the post-war period, whose rather brief artistic career - she was active for ‘only’ 12 years - is characterized by its radical openness. Posenenske's interest in geometry, repetition, and industrial production is noteworthy. She conceived a mass-produced minimalism, challenging both the art market and established formal and cultural hierarchies, and addressing the socio-economic issues of her time. At the same time, her work is still highly relevant today. Although Posenenske's oeuvre has received more attention in recent years, the radical nature of her work, and thus her contemporary relevance, have not been acknowledged adequately.
After concluding that art ultimately failed to bring about sufficient political impact, Posenenske took the radical step of abandoning it altogether in 1968. She then studied sociology and worked as a social scientist.
Opening: 4 February 2022, 6–9 pm
CCA Berlin’s 2022 program, organized under the title of Pilot, is envisioned as the institution’s exhibitionary testing ground. It will unfold over the course of its first 12 months through individual presentations of existing works by artists. Pilot aims to highlight and revisit works that are significant to the development of CCA Berlin and thereby draw a curatorial blueprint for the institution’s future collaborations and aesthetic enquiries.
Throughout the course of Charlotte Posenenske’s exhibition at CCA Berlin, different contributors are invited each week to reconfigure the sculptural elements composing the Vierkantrohre Serie D.
17–19 Feb 2022
Configuration Thea Djordjadze
Djordjadze has been working in sculpture and installation for more than twenty years, always in a palpable relationship to the space and architecture of each site. Recently, the Gropius-Bau hosted an extensive exhibition of the Berlin-based artist's work, which entered into dialogue with the historic building.
24–26 Feb 2022
Configuration Class Robert (UdK)
A group of students from the Sculpture/Performance Class Robert at Universität der Künste Berlin read scenes from David Robbins' Accrochage, perform Charlotte Posenenske's manifesto, and embody sculptural additions to the Vierkantrohre Serie D.
3–5 Mar 2022
Configuration Pastor Bornemann and community members of the Twelve Apostles Parish
The Twelve Apostles Parish (Zwölf-Apostel-Gemeinde), located in our immediate neighborhood, is an open community where different faiths and ways of living have their place, and will act as one of CCA Berlin’s partner institutions for various formats and future collaborations.

Charlotte Posenenske, Vierkantrohre Serie D [Square Tube Series D], Configuration Thea Djordjadze, Installation views, 2022. Photos: Diana Pfammatter

Charlotte Posenenske, Vierkantrohre Serie D [Square Tube Series D], Configuration Class Robert, Berlin University of the Arts (UdK), Performance views, 2022. Photos: Diana Pfammatter

Charlotte Posenenske, Vierkantrohre Serie D [Square Tube Series D], Configuration Pastor Bornemann and community members of the Twelve Apostles Parish, Installation views, 2022. Photos: CCA Berlin